Hi this is Tone from IMARi ToNES.
We uploaded some movies of our new songs.
We played at Club Wild Side Tokyo, on Oct 3rd and we played 2 of our new songs which we are now practicing hard.
They are called "Testimony" and "Precious".
Here are the movies.
Since I'm a Japanese, I still sing wrong lyrics when playing live and singing in English.
But I hope you enjoy these movies.
At this point we have learned 9 out of 13 songs we are planning to record.
We are gonna start recording as soon as we are ready.
One more thing is,
Our latest effort, called "Welcome To The School" is now available on CDBaby.
This record is a fairytale in which we tried to depict a relationship between human and God, and we tried to depict the importance of Faith and Spiritual Growth.
Including those songs we often play live, like "Only One Wish", "First Pop" and "i love you, now ur on your own".
Also available on iTunes Store and other digital retailers.
Please check it out.
Thank you and God bless,
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / IMARi ToNES