It's been a long wait since we finished the recording of "Victory In Christ" (previously called "God Rocks") in February this year.
Now we are ready to release it....almost!
Because now the artwork is done!
Our friend manga artist gave us the completed album cover last night.
Here it is.
Anime, or Manga picture, as always....because we are Japanese band, and we like kids stuff.
It has Japanese Kanji character "勝利" on it, which means Victory.
Our new album "Victory In Christ" is soon to be released, first in digital format (at iTunes, AmazonMP3, Bandcamp and else), and after that, possibly physical format at Amazon.com. (We know we are the greatest rock band ever in Japan which is almost too good to be true, but at the same time we are VERY INDEPENDENT and still an unknown band, hidden treasure of the world. So please understand about the distribution. We are in Indies era.)
We will give you the detail of digital format distribution, as soon as they are ready.
Just for your information, we are planning a recording of 2 or 3 songs during this year winter. Songs called "Living Water" and "Jesus Train". We're sure it's going to be a blessing for us all.
And next year early spring, another, hopefully bigger tour in USA. At this point, we are planning south and east part.
And after that, we are planning some big things, one of them is a concept album about Japanese Christian history.
Well, hope it's gonna work. Fingers crossed!
We love you and God bless you all!
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / IMARi ToNES