Wednesday, May 23, 2012

"Kodomo Metal" CD on!!

This is NOT a new album!
Rather than that, this is more of a rehearsal for the new album.
Because now we are starting our own small record label !
This is our new attempt to sell our music independently.

This album "Kodomo Metal" is very old.
Actually, this album was recorded in, ahh, 1999!!
It's one of Tak's first recording works when he started writing his own music.
Yes we have a long history and we have so many "unknown" materials to sell.

The reason we decided to do this is because now we can sell our CDs on
Selling actual CDs on is a big deal, at least for a Japanese indie band like us.
That's actually CD-R, not replicated CDs. Something called Amazon Disk On Demand.
But we checked the quality and it turned out to be very good.
So we decided to do this, as a powerful method to deliver our music to you.

Here is the link.

Another important thing is "Liner Notes".
Liner Notes and artworks.
Lyrics, inner sleeve, and traycard.
As you can see, we can't put these things in digital downloads.
Also unfortunately, Disk On Demand only includes front cover artwork and we can't put our own inserts and traycards there.
This is digital age and maybe no one cares about those things, but we care!

So we came up with another idea.
Digital Liner Notes.

We put lyrics, artworks, and background stories all in it.
We want to give the best thing to you and we believe this is something special we can offer in this digital music age.
So please download the liner note and take a look at it!

Though recorded a long time ago, this "Kodomo Metal" is a very unique and powerful album.
It's eccentric mix of metal, grunge and hiphop, and you can't find music like this anywhere else.

I made a video for one song from the album.
It's a song called "Sou".

Actually we made this video back in 2007, but this time I added some new footage.
It's still a cheap home made music video, but I hope this song interests you.

If you are interested, check the rest of the album here at our BandCamp.

And don't forget to check our little record label website!!

Thank you very much!
Tak / Imari Tones

Living Water Japanese version

Hello! This is Tak from Imari Tones, Japanese Christian rock band.
It seems like years since I posted last update.
But it's because we have been working hard.

It's funny because it's still several month ago we have finished making our upcoming album and we are already working on new songs and planning to do more recordings soon.

Our new album will include 12 tracks.
Some of you may already have seen the artwork on our Facebook page, but here it is.

It's titled "Japan Metal Jesus".
It will be released sometime later this year.
If things go well, it will be available on physical CDs as well as digital downloads.

And today, I want to share 1 very important song with you.
The song called "Living Water".

Why is the song very important?
Because we are singing it in Japanese language.
Singing worship songs in Japanese means so much to us.

We recorded this song "Living Water" both in English and Japanese.
Both version will be included in the new album.
But this Japanese version is very special to us.

As usual, we set this song downloadable on SoundCloud.
So please go ahead and download, and share it with everybody.

The music video for the song is made from the movies from an outreach concert we did with our church VIC on May 19th. It was a small concert but it was a blessed time. We hope you can feel the happy vibe from the video.

An update on our touring plan:
I think now we can make it official.
We are going to join "Extreme Tour" this year.

We made friends with them last year and they are very serious Christian music tour in USA.
At this point we can't say exact dates, but we are planning to join them, in the end of August, and the first half of September. And we are going to visit NorthWest part of USA.
Right now we are praying very hard for the tour.
Because touring is always a challenge and we need God's help.

We really appreciate if you include us in your prayer, so that everything goes well and we can join the tour with no problem.
Because we believe this is a mission God gave to us.

Thank you very much and God bless you.
Tak / Imari Tones