Saturday, September 28, 2013

First Ever The Extreme Tour Japan Soon

It's OCTOBER soon.
We, Imari Tones, are going for THE EXTREME TOUR JAPAN.
We have been working in this for the whole year.
We worked so hard to make this happen.

We will be touring JAPAN with the bands from USA/Canada.
We will be touring with The Lacks (California, USA - The Extreme Tour West Coast Tour Manager), The Burn Ins (Elkford, BC, Canada), and C.J. Lassiter (California USA).

It was not easy to plan this tour.
And it won't be easy actually touring.
Because, as you already know, Japan is very different from USA.
In Japan Christian situation very different.
Japan Christian population is only 1%.
Churches are few and small.
We can't get much help from them, like we do in USA.

Also music situation very different.
In USA, The Extreme Tour always plays outside location such as parks and skateparks.
But in Japan it's not easy to book those outside location gig.
Also in Japan "pay to play" is very common and it takes so much money to plan this kind of tour.

So we needed to work harder, to figure out what would work.
We worked very hard to figure out what was the best plan.

Here we are.
We figured it out somehow and we will tour in JAPAN.
With these The Extreme Tour bands.
In the most "extreme" style we can get.

This is not an ordinary music tour.
We will visit the deepest part of the community and bring hope to them.
We won't play a big concert.
We will play, the darkest, the dirtiest, the smallest venues and locations.

And we make friends, bring love.
We will show people "something different".
Not merely by words, BUT by the acts, emotion, and passion.

THE FIRST EVER Extreme Tour in Japan.
We are proud to be a part of it.
And we are pround that we made it happen.

Please pray so that the tour will be successful one.

Here is the schedule of the concerts and the tour.
Mostly we play Yokohama/Kawasaki region, but we also go to Tohoku region (Fukushima and Miyagi).

The Extreme Tour Japan 2013


10/4() 音小屋 (横浜関内)
共演: B.D.Badge(栄光号
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, C.J. Lassiter, Imari Tones, B.D.Badge) 
Open 18:00  Start 18:30
Fee: 1500yen (1drink)

10/6() El Puente (西横浜)
共演: 儀太郎 
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, C.J. Lassiter, Imari Tones, 儀太郎
Open 18:00  Start 18:30
Fee: 1000yen

10/8() 中原平和公園 (元住吉)にてアコースティックライブ
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, C.J. Lassiter) 
Fee: 無料

10/9() 横浜公園 (横浜スタジアム隣)にてライブ
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, C.J. Lassiter, Imari Tones) 
Fee: 無料

10/12() YUC (Yokohama Union Church)
共演: 萩原ゆたか 
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, Imari Tones, 萩原ゆたか
Open 14:00  Start 14:30--17:30頃まで
Fee: 無料

10/14() 伊勢佐木町クロスストリート
共演: Yao Amoabeng (予定
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, Imari Tones, Yao Amoabeng) 
Fee: 無料

10/18() Paradise Blue (福島県いわき市)
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, Imari Tones, その他いわき市のバンドも参加予定
Fee: 1000yen

10/20() 石巻復興マルシェ (宮城県石巻市)にてライブ 
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, Imari Tones)
Fee: 無料

10/21() Onepark (宮城県石巻市)にてミニライブ&スケートボードミニ大会 (変更の可能性あり
(The Lacks, The Burn Ins, Imari Tones) 
Fee: 500yen (スケートボード利用は1000)

Other than that, we may be playing some cafe gig or street performance on the spot.

In the past, we toured in USA a few times.
Other than that, we have always been gigging locally in Yokohama/Tokyo region.
That's what we were always doing.
However, oddly enough, this is the first actual "Touring" in Japan for us, as well as this is the first Japan tour for The Extreme Tour bands.

We feel so blessed.
And we really hope this will change the spiritual situation in Japan.
Because we feel, the spiritual situation in Japan is getting so much in crisis.

Surely, this is a small tour.
It's a small step.
But we do hope this is the beginning of the big things.

Thank you very much and God bless,
Tak / Imari Tones

For more information about The Extreme Tour Japan,
please refer to these websites.

The Extreme Tour Japan Facebook Page

The Extreme Tour official website

The Lacks (California)

The Burn Ins (Elkford, BC, Canada)

C.J. Lassiter (Caliroania)