Thursday, September 28, 2017

We made it! "Jesus Wind" campaign now 100% Thank you for your support!

Yes we have made it!
Now our "Jesus Wind" campaign has reached 100% goal!!

We would not have come this far without your support. Each of you.
So let me say thank YOU very much one more time.

Each of your support, very encouraging, thank you for believing in us. Thank you for believing in Christian rock. Thank you for believing in the power of music. Thank you for helping us spread God's Love in Japan and beyond. We will keep on rocking for Jesus.

Now I believe we can release "Jesus Wind" in a good manner. I mean, the CDs with lyrics and stories and all. When we recorded this album, we didn't know how to make a proper package to tell the story behind this concept album. Now we can do it with all your support. How great is that!
Can't wait to release the album and share all the music with you. It means so much to us.

This campaign ends on October 1st 11:59pm PDT.
We will start working on the release, manufacturing CDs, preparing downloads and other perks. 
We will post updates on IndieGoGo page and let you know about the progress. So stay tuned until we send out all the CDs and downloads.

Again thank you very much. This has been a very precious and encouraging experience for us.
God is great!
You people are awesome!

God bless you ALL!
Tak / Imari Tones (Japan)

日本の歴史をテーマにしたコンセプトアルバム"Jesus Wind"のクラウドファンディングキャンペーン、おかげさまで100%を達成することが出来ました!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

90% and 1week left!!

We are gearing up for the October 7th concert at Shinjuku and here is a photo from the studio rehearsal today.
October 7th Saturday, at Shinjuku MegaRock. Please come and see us!

Our "Jesus Wind" crowdfunding is now funded 90%.
I have not expected we would come this far.
We are very thankful and we don't know what to say.
1 week left and if you see it reach 100%, now is the time to help us!

Visit here and help us please:)

Also here is the detail of the concert on October 7th.

新宿 MegaRock
Calling Records Presents
Open 17:30 Start 18:00予定
Fee: 2000yen +1drink
出演(予定): 三木ヒロキ、B.D.BadgeSoul of FaithXieImari Tones

クリスチャンロックレーベルCalling Records3年目となる主催イベントです。
Imari Tonesは現在取り組んでいる"Overture"プロジェクトからの選曲を中心に、いつものヘヴィメタル色を抑えて、さわやかな日本語のオルタナティヴロックを演奏する予定です。
Imari Tonesの出番は3バンド目の予定です。

Thank you very much and God bless you all!!
Tak / Imari Tones

Monday, September 18, 2017

Now 74% Thank you for your support!!

Thank you for your support for our "Jesus Wind" campaign so far.
Again, thinking about all the things happening in the world right now, we are very thankful and very much humbled. Feeling blessed and let me say THANK YOU VERY MUCH once again!

For "something extra" included in the package, we have decided to include this [Tak's teenage song from 1990's] (see our previous post on September 6) and [1 or possibly 2 unreleased songs from our past catalog]. This will be included in the digital download of "Jesus Wind" album.
They will only be available if you buy "Jesus Wind" album on this IndieGoGo campaign.

"Jesus Wind" is super powerful Christian heavy metal album. But if you look at the picture from Mid-90's and are curious how the music sounded like, visit our campaign page and help us a bit.

Campaign is open until October 1st. (ends on Oct 1, 11:59pm PDT)

Thank you very much!
God bless you all!!

Tak / Imari Tones (Japan)

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A song from 1990's

[This special photo from 1990's]

A lot of things are happening in the world.
Hurricane in USA, missiles in North Korea.
We pray for recovery and safety for those who affected.
I see some of my favorite Christian bands (such as Switchfoot) are doing benefit concerts. For an indie band from Japan, it's a bit awkward to post about our new album and crowdfunding project.

But just "one more push" and it will cover the cost of manufacturing CDs.
So if you're interested in our new album, please check and help (^^)

"Jesus Wind project on IndieGoGo"

Meanwhile I'm thinking about how to make it special.
I think we are going to add "something extra" for people who helped us on IndieGoGo. Other than just a CD and album download, we are wanting to add something extra. Because it's a special occasion, right?

What do you think?
What should we do to make you happy?
Personalized video/audio message?
Or some "unreleased" songs?

Yes it's true we have some "unreleased" songs dropped from the official albums in the past. But it's also true they were dropped because something was not good enough.

So I remembered this old photo.
Some of you might have seen it before on my personal facebook account.
It's a photo from 1990's. Mid 90's, I should say.
I was a teenager. 15 years old, I think. (The photo was taken in Nagoya city, Aichi prefecture, Japan.)

I was playing guitar in this local band and we ROCKED the local scene.
I wrote some of my first songs in this band.
Among all those songs, we recorded just 1 song in a recording studio.

Do you think you wanna hear it?

It's a Japanese teenage local band in Mid-1990's. So you don't expect some "dubstep" or "postrock". You will probably expect something like Van Halen and Bon Jovi.
But probably you will be surprised at the fact I was already writing some good music (hopefully).

Funny thing was, I later quit the teenage band because my priority was to study and to enter college, but some of the guys in the band kept playing and went successful in 2000's Japanese music scene. Especially the singer guy became a very successful songwriter and his songs were all over Japanese TV in the last decade. It's funny because I was the main songwriter back then in the teenage band. Probably he learned songwriting skills from me ;)

I hope this "teenage" song will interest you.
But if you have any good idea, please let me know.

Thank you and God bless you.
May God protect all the people from disaster.
May God bring peace to the whole world.
Tak / Imari Tones (Japan)

Monday, September 4, 2017

"Dying Prophet" music video released!

We made a video for "Dying Prophet", our favorite song from the upcoming concept album "Jesus Wind"!!

This is actually 4th video from the new album that is not even released yet. Are we giving away too much music?

For those people helped us on IndieGoGo, we are thinking about adding something extra! Thank you!

(and here is the IndieGoGo project for the new album)

Honestly we think this is one of the best songs we have ever written. Check, watch, hear and be blown away!!

We rock for Jesus because Jesus Rocks!!

"Dying Prophet"という今日のビデオをアップしました。
現在絶賛クラウドファンディング遂行中、10月リリース予定のコンセプトアルバム"Jesus Wind"に収録されている入魂の楽曲です。

気が付けば、リリース前にも関わらず"Jesus Wind"からの楽曲はこれですでに4曲がミュージックビデオとして公開されています。(本当は、インスト曲を昨年ひとつアップしていたので、それを入れると5曲。)


なんにせよ、この"Dying Prophet"は、入魂の1曲です。
アルバム"Jesus Wind"の2曲目として収録される予定ですが、この数年間、ライヴでもたくさん演奏してきました。


でも、今のImari Tonesの辿り着いたスタイルを、もっとも凝縮したような1曲である、ということは言えると思います。
