We've been posting things here on blogger for the news from our band Imari Tones.
We've been doing it since, wow, 2009 and surely we have come a long way.
Recently we have refurbished our band website, which finally is using wordpress.
As we worked on it, we found that things would be much easier if we incorporate this blog feature into the website itself.
So, it means we will not post news here anymore, since we will post everything on the website (imaritones.net) from now on.
For now, we are leaving this blog as it is and not going to delete it anytime soon.
But it may be deleted sooner or later, so please be sure to check our new website.
Thank you very much!!!
This is official blog/newsfeed from Imari Tones, The First Christian Heavy Metal from Japan!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Sunday, April 15, 2018
The Wave music video
We have posted it on Facebook and Twitter already,
but we have made a music video for "The Wave".
It's a key song from "Jesus Wind" album.
This song is a "turning point" in the story of the concept album. After this song, the story starts to move towards future and get heavy and dramatic.
This is a song about the Earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan in 2011.
Inevitably, it also tells you about the nuclear power plant incident in Fukushima.
It's not a happy song and that is why we haven't played it live very often.
That said, it's also true this is one of the best and heaviest song from "Jesus Wind". We are very proud of the sound we have achieved with this song.
It's a "homemade" music video, just like we alwayd did.
But it turned out well and we hope you enjoy it.
This is probably the "last single" and last music video from "Jesus Wind" album.
After this, we have some announcement to make and we are going to make some new moves.
So stay tuned.
Perhaps things will be "emotional" for a while, but we are going to release new songs from our next "Overture" album, which is very emotional music.
Meanwhile, you can buy "Jesus Wind" on Bandcamp and CDbaby, if you haven't got it yet.
"Jesus Wind" on Bandcamp
"Jesus Wind" on CDbaby
Thank you very much and God bless you all!!
but we have made a music video for "The Wave".
It's a key song from "Jesus Wind" album.
This song is a "turning point" in the story of the concept album. After this song, the story starts to move towards future and get heavy and dramatic.
This is a song about the Earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan in 2011.
Inevitably, it also tells you about the nuclear power plant incident in Fukushima.
It's not a happy song and that is why we haven't played it live very often.
That said, it's also true this is one of the best and heaviest song from "Jesus Wind". We are very proud of the sound we have achieved with this song.
It's a "homemade" music video, just like we alwayd did.
But it turned out well and we hope you enjoy it.
This is probably the "last single" and last music video from "Jesus Wind" album.
After this, we have some announcement to make and we are going to make some new moves.
So stay tuned.
Perhaps things will be "emotional" for a while, but we are going to release new songs from our next "Overture" album, which is very emotional music.
Meanwhile, you can buy "Jesus Wind" on Bandcamp and CDbaby, if you haven't got it yet.
"Jesus Wind" on Bandcamp
"Jesus Wind" on CDbaby
Thank you very much and God bless you all!!
Sunday, March 25, 2018
and it was a blessed concert
We have played another important gig at Shinbashi ZZ, Tokyo, on March 21.
I think we did our best and we can't say how much blessing it was to us.
(It was a concert to celebrate the graduation for free school students.)
Just to share the happiness and excitement we post some photos!!
(Sorry for the quality of the photos, because these were cut from a movie.)
Thank you very much!!
Friday, March 9, 2018
We finished recording "Overture" album
So yes, here we are.
We have already finished recording our new "Overture" album, even though it's less than a half year since the release of our best ever metal album "Jesus Wind".
(It's because we actually have finished recording "Jesus Wind" in 2016 Summer and we've been working on "Overture" since then.)
Probably we will put out 1 more video from "Jesus Wind" album, and we will start promoting "Overture" album soon. You might think it's so fast, but we got to move on to pursuit our ultimate sound.
We are not sure how you will react to "Overture" album, because it's a Japanese album with Japanese lyrics and it sounds very different from our past works.
So we want to make sure we will communicate so that you can understand the music, as well as what is going on within our band.
We are going into a new phase. Some announcement is to be made and we will make some new moves. We are waiting for the right time. We want you to know that we will never stop chasing our mission. The spiritual and musical mission God has given to us. We take it very seriously and we are ready for the big things. (Taking a deep breath.)
Meanwhile, here is some pics from overture recording session.
As you see, we recorded it in a very simple way, in the local rehearsal room we've been using for years now.
(A photo of Jake drumming, 2 guitars and 2 pedals I used on the album, and a recent rehearsal room photo.)
(No photo of Hassy recording bass because we did it in my very dirty small apartment room. Also could not include a movie of Jake drumming in this post. Maybe some other time, unless you don't want to hear Jake's drums pounding from your phone.)
Peace and Blessing to You,
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Skateboard Ollie Impossible at a Heavy Metal concert
Some of you may already know Tak loves skateboarding.
He fell in love with skateboarding when Imari Tones toured in the United States in 2012. We played some skatepark shows and that was when Tak decided he would start skateboarding even though he was not too young (not too old though).
Since then, Imari Tones has written and played some skateboard related songs, most notably "Born To Ride" on "Revive The World" album.
Also some of you may have seen the "Beginner Skateboarding Movie" Tak posted on YouTube some years ago.
Even though Tak still keeps skating, his life situation and surroundings does not allow him to make another dedicated skateboarding video.
However, this is something a bit unusual and we want to post it here, just to show you he is still skateboarding.
We played some small but important concert at El Puente, Yokohama (Nishi Yokohama), on 10th February 2018.
Before playing the last song of the night, Tak held his skateboard, with the "Jesus Loves You" sign on it, and did a skateboarding trick in front of the audience. The trick he did was called "Ollie Impossible" (or simply "Impossible").
This trick "Impossible" is one of his favorite skateboarding tricks.
After successfully landing the trick at the 1st try, Tak says "Nothing is impossible with Jesus Christ", quoting Philippians 4:13.
Not many rock bands do "Impossible" at their concerts, but Imari Tones does!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Imari Tones (イマリトーンズ、伊万里音色)よりアナウンスメント。
4度にわたるアメリカツアー、アメリカで長い歴史を誇る草の根スタイルのクリスチャンミュージックツアー「The Extreme Tour」への参加、そのThe Extreme Tourの日本版を開催し、4年連続でアメリカ/カナダ/チリのクリスチャンバンドと共に日本各地をツアーするなど、小規模なインディーズながらも国際的な視野を持って活動してきました。
現在のメンバーである[Tone - Hassy - Jake]のラインナップになってから約10年が経過しましたが、人生の状況や、音楽面での限界など、様々な理由により、2018年3月いっぱいをもってHassy(ベース)とJake(ドラム)はバンド活動から離れることになりました。
わかりやすく言えば脱退ですが、より正確な表現としては「解放」(Let Go)という言葉を使いたいと思っています。彼らは2人とも、この10年間でイマリトーンズの活動のために200パーセントの貢献をしてくれたからです。全力を出してやりきった上での「卒業」と言えます。ただ「卒業」という言葉はヘヴィメタルバンドには似合いませんので。
ドラマーさんについては、正統派ヘヴィメタル的なツーバスが踏めることと、それに加えて、幅広いスタイルで叩き、ダンサブルなグルーヴを出すことも出来るような方を求めます。難しい表現ですが、ヘヴィメタルも叩けるけど、The Stone Rosesのレニみたいな軽快なグルーヴも出せるドラマーというのが理想像だと思っています。
[Tone - Hassy - Jake]の現ラインナップで作り上げた最後のアルバムである"Overture"の発表が、まだこれから控えており、正式なメンバーチェンジの発表はその後でも遅くはないこと
"Faith Rider"
Karma Flower
Unknown Road
Living Water
mail [アット] imaritones.net
ナカミネタカヒロ / Imari Tones (伊万里音色)
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
A blessed gig at El Puente, 10th Feb 2018
We played a very blessed gig at El Puente, Nishi-Yokohama on 10th February.
Thank you very much!! We can't describe how much it meant to us!
Had to post this, because Shinichi from Soul of Faith took some great photos of us!!
Set List
3.Discarded World
7.Dying Prophet
8.Karma Flower
9.Love is to do something no one dares to do
10.Faith Rider
11.Repent (encore)
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