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Monday, May 10, 2010
伊万里音色 IMARi ToNES "That's why i love you"
It's been a while since my last "love letter".
Again it's a song from "Hero Of The Lights", recorded in 2004-2005.
このThat's why i love youは、バックグラウンドストーリーというか、いわくつきの曲で、
そのとき、かのVan Halenが、Extremeのゲイリー・シェローンをヴォーカリストに迎えて、問題作「Van Halen 3」をリリースしようとしていた。
This song "That's why i love you" has some funny background story.
It was written back in 1998, which was a long ago.
Back then, Mighty Van Halen was about to release that controversial "Van Halen 3" with Extreme vocalist Gary Cherone.
で、発売前に、雑誌でインタビューとか見て、待ちきれなかった僕は、雑誌に載っていたトラックリスト、曲名をもとに、自分で勝手に曲を書いて、「仮想Van Halen 3」を自分の頭の中で作っちゃったのね。
おかしなことに、雑誌に載っていたそのVan Halenの曲のうち、
"That's Why I Love You"と名付けられた曲は、アルバムの発売直前に、諸事情によりボツになってしまい、実際にはアルバムには収録されなかった。
でも、僕は自分で作った「仮想Van Halen 3」のうち、この曲はすごく気に入っていたので、自分のバンドで演奏することにした。
Before the release of "Van Halen 3", I was reading music magazines and there was a track list. I could not hardly wait until the release, so I wrote songs myself by the titles on the magazine. Before its release, I had my own version of "Van Halen 3" in my head.
This song "That's why i love you" was one of those songs I wrote then. But funny thing was, Van Halen's "That's Why I Love You" was not on actual album, since it was replaced by another song at the last moment.
So I decided to play this song with my own band.
この曲は、米持プロデューサーによって、"Japanese Pop"にも英語バージョンが収録されているけれど、いろんな理由で、このオリジナルの日本語バージョンの方が気に入っています。
This song is very serious love song.
Lyrics is so direct, which expresses the loneliness and solitude inside me.
And the guitar solo is very emotional, which was my favorite part.
This song was re-recorded by Mr.Yonemochi, the producer of "Japanese Pop" in 2006.
But personally I prefer this original Japanese version for several reasons.
いつからか僕のこの目には 透き通る幻が見えていた
人には決して見えないもの 胸の中の真実
いつだって孤独だったんだよ どこにいても同じことさ
僕は運命を背負い 自分の道を作らなきゃいけない
Since one day my eyes was seeing transparent illusions
Something nobody else can see, the truth in my heart
I was alone at any time, no matter where I may have been
I have to take on my destiny and create my way
There is nothing which can help me
Nothing in this world
That's why i love you
That's why i love you
That's why i love you
That's why i love you
So there is no way I can lose you
And I learn the only reason to live
胸の中に隠してる事実 まるで無視するように
考えすぎだと言い聞かせ 街のビートに沈み込む
You indulge yourself to the beat of the city
as if you ignore the fact inside you
You only reach the same place
Wherever you may wander in this world
That's why i love you
That's why i love you
この事実に 告げた言葉に 触れた指先に
That's why i love you
That's why i love you
I can't lie my own life
Because that's the only reason to live
I'm not gonna say please understand me
but I don't wanna lose the only truth in my life
Yes it is all truth
The fact between us, the words I told you, the touch I touched you
Hope you enjoy the song.
God bless,
Tak "Tone" Nakamine
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