This is Tak "Tone" Nakamine from Imari Tones, a Japanese Christian rock band.
After the tour in April/May, we are gigging constantly in Japan and thinking about a bigger vision of our future.
This may be the shortest message I have ever sent, but actually it has the longest and biggest volume of content.
Are you interested in the history of our band?
Maybe nobody cares, but finally I wrote our band history in English.
It's a story about why we started music and how we became a Christian rock band in Japan.
You can see many pictures and you can hear our old songs.
If you are interested, please take a look here.
Another thing is,
We uploaded many songs to YouTube, in order to place them on our history page I just wrote.
And I want to show you this particular one, because you probably will like it.
"He's Still With Us"
It's a song called "He's Still With Us".
We played this song often in our last tour, and we made up this video using photos and movies from our tours in USA.
Maybe it's too much of "USA" stuff, but we love this song.
I hope you will like it too!
That's all for today.
In Japan things are still not easy, we are again having some large earthquakes recently, Fukushima situation not good. Nobody is sure about future.
But still, we are going forward to realize the vision God has given to us.
I hope there is His guidance upon you, too!!
God bless, and Rock on!
Tak "Tone" Nakamine
Imari Tones
"The First Christian Heavy Metal from Japan"
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