Friday, February 8, 2013

New songs and Hard Rock Rising contest

Hi, this is Tak, from the band Imari Tones, a Christian rock band from Japan.
It's been a while but I give you some little update about our band and our activity.

1. New songs and new release plan
2. Hard Rock Rising Contest
3. The Extreme Tour Japan 2013

1. New songs and new release plan

Last year, especially after coming back from The Extreme Tour, Tak wrote so many songs.
Yes, we are a group of very productive musicians.
We recorded so many songs and albums independently (sometimes not so independently) even if we didn't have business background.

But this time, these songs Tak has just written, we are very excited about them. Because they are totally new direction, you can call it more advanced and modern, these songs were written to play live. And these songs we believe are given to us by God to survive in future music scene when we are ready to make a big action (such as doing a world tour, yeah).

Tak narrowed them down to 17 songs and made a demo tape.
Now we are practicing those songs in our rehearsal room.
Those songs are not easy but Jake and Hassy are doing a very good job.
We can't wait to show you this totally new Imari Tones.

At the same time, we are also working on "Heroes EP" project.
As some of you may know, this Heroes EP we sent to those people who helped us on our IndieGoGo project last year (Again, thank you very much!).
We are going to add 1 more extra song and want to release it officially in summer 2013.

Also Tak is working on new "Famicom Dojo" song. (In case you don't know, the song called "R.P.G." on our "Japan Metal Jesus" album is a song we wrote for the video game website called Famicom Dojo.)
It's due to be finished sometime in March.
It means Tak will have to work hard in the studio and on his computer next few months. Yeah!

2. Hard Rock Rising Contest in Yokohama

Hard Rock Cafe is a cool place. Cool place for any rock fans, as well as for any musicians. And we are going to play Hard Rock Cafe in Yokohama. Yes we are excited.

We are now taking part in Hard Rock Rising contest, hosted by Hard Rock Cafe. Funny thing is, we don't even remember when we submitted our entry. But when we knew it, an email came saying we are now on the contest and our song is online.

We want you to help us by voting for us.
Just download our song "Overcome".

It says you can't vote if you live outside of Japan.
So I'm not sure if folks outside Japan can download the song...sorry about that.

But a good thing is we proudly say "Christian Metal" on the Hard Rock Cafe website. It's a good thing especially in Japan. Because people will wonder "What is Christian metal?" and get interested.

The poll will be closed on February 11. After that we will play at Hard Rock Cafe Yokohama with your help. We can't wait to rock out our local town!

3. The Extreme Tour Japan 2013 Plan

Since coming back from The Extreme Tour 2012 West Coast USA, Tak has been working on The Extreme Tour Japan plan. Because bringing this cool Christian missionary music tour to Japan can be a great blessing to our home country.
This is a mission God has given to us, since we met The Extreme Tour people in Nashville TN in 2011.

Tak is now contacting many people in Japan, both Christian and non-Christian people. Meeting, talking, sending emails and Facebook messages.
This will be a tough work, because this kind of music missionary tour is not common in Japan.

Tak has made Facebook page for The Extreme Tour Japan and you can download Japan Tour brochure (written in Japanese).

Earlier Tak was interviewed by a Japanese Christian newspaper called Christian Shinbun, they will write about The Extreme Tour Japan. Hope we can get some help from churches all over Japan.

Tak is also talking with Ted Bruun (the extreme tour founder) and Scott Lack (tour directer) to make things happen. 2 bands from USA (or Canada?) will come to Japan and tour with other Japanese bands. It's gonna be great.

We will book this tour, each concert event in each region.
And we need cars, vans, places to stay, and sound equipments.
I want you to pray so that these thing will be given by God.
Also I want you to pray so that we can connect with the right people to book the tour.
We need your prayer.
Because we can make things happen with our prayer.
By now we know it very well through our music journey.

So thank you very much for your prayer and support!

I believe God is going to bless us all with His unique way.
So God bless you abundantly!!

In Christ,
Tak / Imari Tones
The first Christian heavy metal from Japan

こんにちわ、日本のクリスチャンロックバンド、Imari Tones (伊万里音色)Takです。

1. 新しい楽曲と新しいリリース計画
2. Hard Rock Rising コンテストについて
3. The Extreme Tour Japan 2013

1. 新しい楽曲と新しいリリース計画

昨年、特にThe Extreme Tourから戻ってから、Takはとてもたくさんの楽曲を書きました。


この新しいImari Tonesを皆さんに見せるのが楽しみです。

そしてまた同時に、私たちは"Heroes EP"のプロジェクトにも取り組んでいます。
知っている人もいるかもしれませんが、私たちはこの"Heroes EP"を、昨年IndieGoGoでご援助をいただいた方々に送りました。(あらためて、ありがとうございます)

また、Takは新しい"ファミコンドージョー"の曲に取り組んでいます。もし知らなければ、私たちのアルバム"Japan Metal Jesus"に収録されている"R.P.G."という曲は、僕らがファミコンドージョーというビデオゲームのサイトのために作った曲です。

2. Hard Rock Risingコンテストについて


僕らは今、ハードロックカフェのHard Rock Risingというコンテストに参加しています。面白いのは、僕らはそもそもこのコンテストに応募したことすら覚えていなかったということです。しかし気付けば、コンテストに参加して楽曲がアップされたというメールを受け取って、僕らはコンテストに参加していました。



しかし、良い事は、このハードロックカフェのサイトにおいて、僕らの名前のところには堂々と"Christian Metal"と書かれていることです。これは日本においては特に良い事で、人々は「クリスチャンメタルって何だ」と興味を持ってくれるからです。


3. 日本でのThe Extreme Tour 2013の計画について

アメリカ西海岸でのThe Extreme Tour 2012から戻って以来、Takは日本でのエクストリームツアーの計画を進めようとしています。なぜなら、この素晴らしいクリスチャンの音楽伝道ツアーを日本に持ってくることは、僕らの母国にとって大きな祝福になるかもしれないからです。
これは、僕らがThe Extreme Tourの人々に2011年にナッシュビルで出会った時から、神様が僕たちに与えた使命だと感じています。



最近、Takはクリスチャン新聞の取材を受け、クリスチャン新聞は、このThe Extreme Tour Japanの計画について記事を書いてくれるようです。日本の各地の教会から、ご支援をいただけたらいいなと思っています。





Tak / Imari Tones

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