(English & Japanese)
今回は、初めてのFirst Ever 日本ツアーThe Extreme Tour Japanだったし、
I post this tour blog here.
Though we haven't done things like this for a while,
(We did when we did our first USA tour back in 2009.)
this was FIRST EVER The Extreme Tour Japan,
and we want to share what happened with everyone.
The Extreme Tourは、アメリカで1994年から続いている、クリスチャンのミッショナリーツアーです。日本語で言うと伝道ツアー。
The Extreme Tour is a Christian missionary tour that has been around since 1994 in USA.
It is to spread Christ's Love and positive message among young people, using music and extreme sports (skateboarding).
Not only by word, but with ACTION.
創始者っていうか始めた人は、Ted Bruunっていう人ですが、
A person called Ted Bruun started this The Extreme Tour in 1994. If I understand correctly, he wanted to convey God's Love, not by preaching, but by reac action.....and Rockn'Roll!! (Possibly, Christian Rock like Stryper and Petra)
On this tour, many Christian artists get together and tour around USA. They don't go to big cities. They go to small towns. And play free shows in parks, outside venues, skateparks, schools, etc. Sometimes they play to homelss people.
このThe Extreme Tourの人たちが進んでると思うのは、新しい時代のミュージシャンの在り方として、ひとつの形を指し示していることだと思います。
Good thing of The Extreme Tour is, they are showing the way to the musicians of new era.
They are not going for business success like 20th century way, but they are musicians with mission, with message. And they put their focus on FAITH. Following God's mission. I think it's an ideal style of independent music for future generation.
僕らはこのThe Extreme Tourに、2011年に出会い、テネシー州のナッシュビルのThe Objectiveというイベントにて、彼らと劇的な出会いを持ちました。
そして、翌年、2012年のThe Extreme Tour、アメリカ西海岸の部に参加したのです。
We met them in 2011, in Nashville TN, at an event called The Objective. It was dramatic. And we joined their tour in 2012, The Extreme Tour West Coast USA.
そのThe Extreme Tourを、日本で行う、という使命、宿題が僕たちに与えられ、
この、カッティングエッジなミッショナリーツアー、The Extreme Tourを、日本に持ってくる行うことができました。
God gave us a mission, that was to do this The Extreme Tour in Japan. And it came true in October 2013. We brought this cutting edge missionary tour to Japan.
僕たちImari Tonesにとって、アメリカをツアーし、演奏することは、大きなことですが、そのアメリカでも最先端のこのツアーを、日本に持ってきて、日本で行うことは、さらにそこからもう一歩さきへと進む、意義のあることであり、そのことには誇りを持っています。
For us Japanese band, it is a big thing to tour in USA. But, to bring this Christian tour FROM USA TO JAPAN is one step further and even more awesome thing. We are pround to have made this happen.
このThe Extreme Tourは、クリスチャンが多く、教会の数も多く、環境に恵まれたアメリカだから出来るものであり、それを日本で行うことには、困難が多く、当初は不可能ではないかと思われましたが、
日本の環境と状況に合わせて、The Extreme Tourのエクストリームなスピリットと本質を、なるべく失わないように、
In USA The Extreme Tour is possible because there are so many Christian people and so many churches. However, things are very different in Japan. At first we thought it was impossible.
But we planned this tour, trying to keep the "EXTREME" sprit as much as possible, while adjusting things to Japan situation.
It is like "translating" the tour to Japanese cultural context.
This was the first time and still a "test case", but we think we did a good "translation", for a "Japanese version" of The Extreme Tour.
We already posted many pictures on Facebook (both personal account and the band page). Some of you already seen these pictures.
But we want to share what the tour looked like.
今回のツアーに参加したのは、僕らImari Tonesの他に、
The bands joined this Japan tour, other than us Imari Tones, we had...
アメリカはカリフォルニアから、The Lacks、
The Lacks from California USA,
カナダはブリティッシュコロンビアから、The Burn Ins、
The Burn Ins, from BC, Canada,
アメリカはカリフォルニアから、C.J. Lassiter、
C.J. Lassiter from California USA,
These 4 bands including us.
The LacksとThe Burn Insは、昨年、アメリカの西海岸を一緒にツアーした仲であり、よく知っているバンドです。
C.J. Lassiterは、2011年にナッシュビルで会っていますが、一緒にツアーするのは今回が初めてでした。
The Lacks and The Burn Ins, we toured with them together last year (2012) in USA West Coast. We know them well.
C.J. Lassiter, we met them in Nashville TN in 2011. But this was first time for us to tour with her.
Some photos, mostly from concerts.
The Lacksの人たちが成田に到着し、長いフライトに疲れて、そのまま電車で横浜へ向かいます。
The Lacks arrives at Narita airpots. Heading to Yokohama on a train. Tired from a long flight.
初めての満員電車に驚くThe LacksのScott Lack氏。
Scott Lack from The Lacks, surprised at seeing crowded Japanese train for the first time.
Since this was the first time Japan Extreme Tour, half of the shows we booked were in Yokohama region. The bands from USA/Canada stayed at "Well Yokodai", a share house in Yokodai, Yokohama. Very nice place. People living there became our good friends.
"Kitchen Session" at Well Yokodai.
C.J. Lassiterは、日本ツアーのために、ユーミンの「ひこうき雲」を用意して、日本語で歌ってくれました。Takはこの曲が大好きなので、一緒にハモって歌います。
C.J. Lassiter played this song "Hikoki Gumo" by Yumi Arai (Yuming). She sang it in Japanese. Coincidently, it was Tak's favorite song. Tak harmonized the melody together on the song.
Rainbow blesses the success of the tour.
An American band at Japan train station.
They started playing music on a train. (Totally uncommon in Japan)
We played at Shin Urayasu station.
Japanese Gospel singer Kaori Yamamoro helped us playing this train station concert.
Singing worship together.
The Extreme Tourは、「ハイプ」と言って、
On The Extreme Tour, we do something called "Hype", communicating people on the street, every town we visit.
We communicated with some homeless people in Kotobukicho area, Yokohama, and play some music to them.
We did a concert at Necoya, Kotobukicho, Yokohama.
We shared the bill with B.D.Badge (also know as Eiko-Go), who is a pioneer in Japanese Christian rock.
八百屋で買い物をするThe LacksのScott Lack。
Scott Lack from The Lacks, at Japanese Yaoya (grocery store).
We played some acoustic music at BBQ party at Well Yokodai.
Tak gave his testimony and message instead of playing music.
Scott Lackは、右手にFreedomという刺青を入れていますが、日本で左手に「自由」というタトゥーを入れました。生涯、日本の自由のために祈るそうです。
Scott Lack from The Lacks, has a tattoo "Freedom" on his right arm. He got a new tattoo saying "自由" (Freeedom in Japanese) in Japan. He says he's gonna pray for freedom for Japan for the rest of his life.
We played some "hype" concert in front of Yokohama VIVRE. (shopping mall)
西横浜 El Puenteにて演奏しました。
We played a concert at El Puente, Nishi-Yokohama.
We shared the bill with Gitaro.
オフの日、TakはThe Burn Insと一緒に観光に出かけて、ミュージックビデオのために撮影を少しだけしました。
On a off day, Tak went to sightseeing with The Burn Ins. We did some video for a music video.
We played an acoustic concert at Nakahara Heiwa Park, Kawasaki.
The Extreme Tourにとって理想的なオーディエンスが居て、
Because it was weekday daytime, there were not so many people.
However, there were elderly people, little kids, and some homeless people.
They were best ever audience for The Extreme Tour.
Chiyo from Saluki (Japanese Christian rock band) played together with us.
USA/Canada musicians eating Japanese UDON.
We played a concert in Yokohama Park, near the Yokohama Stadium.
C.J. Lassiterは先に帰国してしまうので、この日が最後の演奏でした。
This was the last show for C.J. Lassiter who went back to USA early.
The LacksのScott Lackと、Takの通う教会の牧師であるYaw Amoabeng氏です。
Scott Lacks (The Lacks) and Yaw Amoabeng, the pastor of the church Tak goes to.
We played an acoustic concert at Starbucks Motomachi, Yokohama.
Tak played solo.
YUC (Yokohama Union Church)にて演奏しました。
We played a concert at YUC (Yokohama Union Church).
These guys are... headbanging!
We shared the bill with Yutaka Hagiwara, Japanese gospel singersongwriter.
The Extreme Tour people eating Japanese beef-bowl (Gyu-don).
東北のブッキングにご助力いただいたRyo Amano氏。
Mr. Ryo Amano, a good friend of ours, helped us booking in Tohoku region.
The Extreme Tourは、YUCにてワーシップ演奏をした他、
The Extreme Tour team played worship at YUC,
and Funabashi Baptist Church,
and Olive No Ki (Olive Tree), a small house church in Yokodai.
We played a concert at Cross Street, Isezakicho, Yokohama.
This was our last show in Yokohama region. And that was an awesome concert!
This is as crazy as our USA shows!
We played some acoustic music at Shalom No Ie (Shalom House), Ishikawacho, where handicapped people working.
Our friends at Well Yokodai made these T-shirts saying "自由 & Freedom".
After finishing all the concerts in Yokohama/Kawasaki/Chiba, we went to Iwaki town, Fukushima prefecture.
Our 3 bands in 2 vans. Driving to Tohoku.
We stayed at Global Mission Chapel in Iwaki.
We went to Usuiso region, where hit by Tsunami in 2011. We played some acoustic music to local elderly people.
We played some music together with local musician in Iwaki. Singing worship song.
いわきのインディペンデントでロックなスタジオ兼ライヴハウス、Paradise Blueにて演奏をしました。
We played a concert at Paradise Blue, a cool venue in Iwaki. We shared the bill with Iwaki local bands.
After Iwaki concert, we went to Ishinomaki town, Miyagi prefecture.
We played a concert at Ishinomaki Fukko Marche.
石巻の渡波地区にあるコミュニティ施設、The Rockにて演奏しました。
We played a concert at The Rock, a community place in Ishinomaki.
We played a concert at Onepark, an indoor skatepark in Ishinomaki.
Tak did some skateboard performance.
On The Extreme Tour, we always close the shows with singing worship.
We signed this guitar and donated it to the skatepark.
石巻にてお世話になった、ICC (石巻クリスチャンセンター)の皆さんです。
We stayed at ICC (Ishinomaki Christian Center) and we became good friends!
We pray together for Japan and Tohoku region.
We left our love message to people in the Yokodai share house. And they went back to USA and Canada.
以上、行く先、演奏をしたどの場所でも、The Extreme Tourのバンドを見た人たちは、すぐに彼らに夢中になり、本当に喜ばれて、好評を得ました。
Everywhere we go, people fell in love with The Extreme Tour musicians. They loved us so much and the tour was successful.
Some people actually accepted Jesus Christ during the tour.
We don't count the number here, but we believe people saw and touched the Love of Christ for the first time on this tour, that's more than we ever know.
日本に初めて上陸し、予想以上の成功を収めたこのThe Extreme Tour。
僕たちImari Tonesとしては、その手伝いができたことを、誇りに思います。
The Extreme Tour, for the first time in Japan, it was more successful than we imagined. We are very pround to make it happen.
This new movement, we want to continue and go further in next year and beyond. We hope you join and help.
Thank you very much.
In Christ,
Tak / Imari Tones
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