We know it's an internet age and YouTube has become a main battleground for musicians.
Yet we are very awkward and basically old style musicians still struggling to adjust.
It's been a while since we posted our last music video, but today we posted a new one.
It's a song called "Heaven's Gate" from our last album "Revive The World".
It's not an easy song to play but we have played it live quite a lot in last 3 years. There is no doubt it's one of the heaviest song in our catalog.
Some of you may have seen our Facebook post but we did a video/photo shooting last month (November 2016) at a Japanese traditional "Noh" theater in Yokohama.
There was a beautiful Japanese style garden with colorful autumn leaves.
Naturally we wanted to do a video there and the result is this music video.
This is the first video made from the footage we did on that day. Next year we are going to make more videos using this "Noh" theater footage. So please look forward to it!
Thanks and God bless you all.
Tak / Imari Tones
This is official blog/newsfeed from Imari Tones, The First Christian Heavy Metal from Japan!!

Thursday, December 29, 2016
Friday, December 2, 2016
Matsubarako Vibration Jam Movie
[Full Length Live Movie]
Last year September 2015, we played "Matsubarako Vibration Jam" that was a "Christian Rock Festival" that took place at Matsubarako Bible Camp, Nagano prefecture, Japan.
The organizer was saying it was the first ever "Christian Rock" festival in Japan. I think probably he was right, because, even though we have some "Gospel music" concerts in Japan, there had not been an event which focused on "Christian Rock" like this. Headliner was Saluki, which was natural if you know how popular they are in Japanese Christian community. But we played 2nd headliner slot, that was actually a big honor for us. And we did an awesome show.
In the past, we played several Christian Festivals and Conferences in USA. But we never thought it would be possible in Japan. So we were very happy to be a part of this Matsubarako Vibration Jam, because it totally ROCKED!!
So finally, we posted a movie of this concert on YouTube. It's, well, very long 70-minutes-set. I know not everyone has time to watch the whole thing. But if you want to see us live, even though we can't do a world tour every year, this is the next best thing.
Thank you very much to everyone involved in this awesome festival, including fellow Christian Rockers, Bikers, Pastors and Believers. And last but not least, thank you very much to Mr.Nobu for planning, organizing the festival and making this whole thing happen.
May God bless you all and Jesus be with you!!
Set List
1: The Concept
2: Testimony
3: Dying Prophet
4: Unlimit
5: Jesus Train
6: Living Water (Japanese version)
7: Saints Seeking Salvation
8: Bushido
9: Karma Flower (Japanese version)
10: Jee-You
11: Faith Rider
Thank you for The Extreme Tour Japan 2016
It has been already a month, but we did "The Extreme Tour Japan 2016" in the past October. (Even though we updated our Facebook&Twitter, we have not posted here yet.)
It was our 4th time (4th year) doing XTJ (The Extreme Tour Japan) and it was another huge blessing for us.
This year we had Victriano from Chile and toured together.
Victoriano are based in Santiago, Chile, literally the other side of the earth from Japan. But they sing in JAPANESE and they play CHRISTIAN ROCK. And most importantly they are eager to spread God's Words in Japan.
So we decided to have them on this tour and it was awesome.
The tour went to places such as Seto, Gamagori (Aichi), Yokohama (Kanagawa), Iwaki (Fukushima), Shimokitazawa, Sibuya, Ueno, Fussa (Tokyo).
We played many shows, together with our friends at Calling Records and other local Japanese bands.
We, as Imari Tones, played 5 shows during the tour period. But I (Tak) also played bass for Victoriano and played even more shows with them.
Other Christian artists involved in the tour were, Soul of Faith, Hiroki Miki, Yona Ishikawa, Xie, Saluki and B.D.Badge. (I hope I didn't forget anyone.)
Without a doubt, the tour was super awesome and super blessed one.
So many miracles, beautiful moments, friendship and great music. Most importantly God's Love.
For me it was one of the most awesome XTJ experiences, maybe as awesome as the first year (2013).
Thank you for all the people involved, all the people who helped us, all the artists, pastors, club owners and awesome audiences.
For your information, there are some articles written about the tour and our Shimokitazawa show. They are in Japanese language but hopefully you can feel the vibe.
Also here are some pictures from the tour, mostly our band Imari Tones.
If you want to see other bands and whole tour report, please check the official Facebook page of The Extreme Tour Japan.
Sadly I should say, this probably will be the last XTJ we lead, because we decided to "move on" next year. The future of XTJ is at this point unknown. Possibly some friends at Calling Records will take over the leading roll. Or possibly it will be on temporary "hiatus". Only God knows. If you are willing to work for "The Extreme Tour Japan" and help God's Love spread through Rockn'Roll, please let us know. Japan needs Jesus and we need God's Love on "street level".
Thank you very much and God bless you all!!!
Tak / Imari Tones
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
さて、私、Imari Tones (伊万里音色)と名付けたバンドにて、ささやかに、かつ小規模ながらに、時代の恩恵でニッチに細く広く、それでも世界を相手に音楽なんぞ作っているわけですが、
僕らのバンドImari Tonesは今年、重要なコンセプトアルバムである"Jesus Wind"というアルバムを録音制作し、完成させました。発表はおそらく来年になると思います。
しかしキリスト教の視点から見た日本の歴史と言っても、様々な視点がありますが、アルバムの中にも「Bushido」(武士道)という曲があり、武士道と言えば、新渡戸稲造がその著書に書き記して世界に広まったように、キリスト教とは西洋の文化、西洋の宗教ではなく、むしろ武士道に代表される日本的な精神、キリスト教の本質に相通ずるような精神風土をもともと日本人は持っているのだ、といった視点の描き方があります。そして、この僕たちの"Jesus Wind"もやはりそのような立場から多分にこのアルバムの物語を鳴らし描いています。
僕たちは、この"Jesus Wind"の後、僕たちはクリスチャンロックを基本的にはほとんどすべて英語でやってきましたので、この後、ワンクッション、日本語の作品を作った後、自分たちにとっての究極の終着地点である「鍋島」というプロジェクトに取り掛かります。それは、音楽的にはより日本的な面を押し出した内容になり、歌詞は日本語と英語が半々になる予定です。
ははは、偉そうに、大層なこと書きましたが、書いたことに値する音楽は、そうね、「鍋島」の完成か、あるいはせめて"Jesus Wind"をちゃんと発表するまで、待ってちょうだいね。
2016年11月22日 Tone記す
Sunday, September 25, 2016
The Extreme Tour Japan 2016 [introduction]
1994年からアメリカで行われている"The Extreme Tour"ってやつを、「日本でやれないか」と無茶ぶりされて、「無理無理」って言ったんだけれど、まあ神の御心だったらやるしかないか、と、なんとか無理矢理形にして、規模は小さくても、なんとか続けて、今回で4回目。4年目、というか。
だから、来年以降も、XTJ (The Extreme Tour Japan)は続くかもしれないけれど、少なくとも、俺は中心になってかかわることはしない。しないつもり。宣言します。しません。そう言っておかないと、ずるずるとやらされてしまうから。
けれど、XTJに関わってくれる皆さんのご厚意とか、Calling Recordsの仲間たちの尽力によって、気付けば、愛知と、いわき、には、行けることになった。首都圏のイベントも思ったより組むことができた。
それをやらなきゃ、XTJとしても、Calling Recordsとしても、意味がないというか、そういうことするためにあるんだろ、と思う。
Calling Recordsの仲間たちや、日本のミュージシャンは、どのような演奏と、どのようなメッセージと、どのような活躍を見せてくれるだろう。
そして、俺は、うちのバンドImari Tonesは、いったいどんな演奏をして、どんなメッセージを届けることが出来るだろうか。俺はちゃんと、歌えるだろうか。
10月1日(土) 愛知県、豊田市にある南米系の教会でコンサート (当初予定されていたICBCから変更になりました) (詳細は、まだ不明) -> Imari Tonesも出ます!
10月2日(日) 愛知県蒲郡市のICBC (国際クリスチャンバプテスト教会)の礼拝に参加して、ビクトリアノもちょっとだけ演奏するかもしれませんし、しないかもしれません。
10月4日(火) 渋谷チェルシーホテル
ブッキングライブ Victoriano出演 20:15予定
10月8日(土) 下北沢 Cave Be
Calling Recordsイベント "Busking Series 2016 Final" -> Imari Tonesも出ます。クリスチャンロックレーベルCalling Recordsの主催による、気合いの入ったクリスチャンロックのイベント。これにみんな、賭けてます。Calling Recordsのみんな、すごい気合い。この日のために。だから来てね!
Open 17:30 Start 18:00 Ticket 前売2000yen/当日2500yen +1drink
10月11日(火) 横浜寿町 音小屋
Open 18:30 Start 19:00 Ticket 1600yen (1ドリンク付き)
10月14日(金) 西横浜 El Puente
B.D.Badge参戦。アンダーグラウンドの聖地西横浜エルプエンテに賛美ロックが鳴り響く。最高にハードコアな一夜。 -> Imari Tonesも出ます。
Open 18:45 Start 19:00 Ticket 1500yen (1ドリンク付き)
福島県、いわき ライブハウスR3
[The Extreme Tour Japan x GRB 合同イベント]
ロックの本場福生にヘヴィなバンドが集まって最高のお祭り騒ぎ。XTJ2016のフィナーレはチキンシャックで派手に鳴らすぜ! -> Imari Tonesも出ます!
Open 17:00 Start 17:30 Ticket 1500yen +1drink
In Christ,
Tone / 伊万里音色
Saturday, September 17, 2016
XTJ2016 and Shinjuku Movie
Next month October, we will go on "The Extreme Tour Japan" with our friends.
It's 4th year for XTJ.
When we started this in Japan we didn't think it was possible to do this "Christian Music Tour" in Japan. We had virtually no help from anyone.
We can't believe now we have "many" (well not so many but it's MANY for us) friends and fellow Christian Rockers working together for this. (As you know, we have launched "Calling Records" together.)
Today we posted this video on YouTube. It's one of the gigs we did last year with XTJ. It was not our "best" performance but it was surely one of the most "blessed" gigs we have ever played. Yes it's a small gig in a small venue, but as you can see it was INTENSE.
We hope you can feel the PASSION. We hope you can feel the HEAT and FAITH that is burning in this still small Japanese Christian Rock scene.
Thank you very much for all the friends and all the fellow Christian Rockers in Japan, and of course all over the world.
Jesus Rocks!!
Tone / Imari Tones
Monday, August 29, 2016
A political song with no word??
Hello this is Tak, a.k.a. Tone, from Imari Tones.
While we have been busy with so many things such as recording, songwriting, making demos, and planning gigs with our friends from Calling Records, here is a little update.
We have basically completed the making of "Jesus Wind", a concept album about Japanese history from a Christian viewpoint. It sounds great and we are sure it will be our best album ever.
Even though we expect its release will be sometime next year (if things go well), we decided to post just 1 track from the album on YouTube.
It is an instrumental track. Just an electric guitar.
It is a song called "This is How Freedom Dies".
While the album has its storyline and this song has its position in the whole album, we wanted to release this song immediately. Because this song has some "political" message.
We wanted to release the message now, at this point of time.
It is actually funny when we say it has a political message, because it's an instrumental tune. I mean, a political song with no word?
But I think the music speaks for itself.
Sure it is titled "This is How Freedom Dies" and it is true we were inspired by what was going on in this world. But I'm not talking about being left or right. (If you think the title suggests somewhat "right", let me tell you in Japan being Christian usually means more of being "liberal". So you can see that faith and political position are different things.) I'm a Japanese-Christian-Metalhead-Skateboarder. So when we say "political message", it probably will be different from any of those political stereotypes.
We simply play music for freedom for human souls.
Maybe I talked too much.
It's just an instrumental tune, and it is just a simple movie with cute toy cats. (='^x^'=)
But we hope you enjoy and feel something in the music.
Thank you very much!
God bless you all!
Tak / Imari Tones
While we have been busy with so many things such as recording, songwriting, making demos, and planning gigs with our friends from Calling Records, here is a little update.
We have basically completed the making of "Jesus Wind", a concept album about Japanese history from a Christian viewpoint. It sounds great and we are sure it will be our best album ever.
Even though we expect its release will be sometime next year (if things go well), we decided to post just 1 track from the album on YouTube.
It is an instrumental track. Just an electric guitar.
It is a song called "This is How Freedom Dies".
While the album has its storyline and this song has its position in the whole album, we wanted to release this song immediately. Because this song has some "political" message.
We wanted to release the message now, at this point of time.
It is actually funny when we say it has a political message, because it's an instrumental tune. I mean, a political song with no word?
But I think the music speaks for itself.
Sure it is titled "This is How Freedom Dies" and it is true we were inspired by what was going on in this world. But I'm not talking about being left or right. (If you think the title suggests somewhat "right", let me tell you in Japan being Christian usually means more of being "liberal". So you can see that faith and political position are different things.) I'm a Japanese-Christian-Metalhead-Skateboarder. So when we say "political message", it probably will be different from any of those political stereotypes.
We simply play music for freedom for human souls.
Maybe I talked too much.
It's just an instrumental tune, and it is just a simple movie with cute toy cats. (='^x^'=)
But we hope you enjoy and feel something in the music.
Thank you very much!
God bless you all!
Tak / Imari Tones
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Gig notification July 2016
July gig notification! (English below)

We are in the midst of recording work of "Jesus Wind" the concept album, but we are going to play some gigs next month!
(Also I just noticed that we haven't post our gig information very often on this blog, that is not a good thing. So I do it today!)
7月10日(日) 横浜関内ベイジャングル
7月30日(土) 福生チキンシャック
電車で行けるアメリカ、日本のオースティンこと福生、そして伝説的なライブハウスチキンシャック。Imari Tonesとして初上陸です。一応僕らはこう見えても国際的に活躍してるバンド(のはず)なので、場所に合わせてアメリカナイズドされた世界基準のロックをぶつけます(予定)!!
7月5日(火) 横浜寿町 音小屋(ねこや)
July 10th Sun at Bay Jungle (Yokohama)
Imari Tones plays an opening slot (sort of) for EIMS, a teenage girls Christian rock band. It's our honor to support this new younger generation of Jesus Rockers! This is going to be epic!
July 30th Sat at Chicken Shack (Fussa, Tokyo)
Imari Tones plays this legendary Fussa venue for the first time. Fussa is a town that looks a bit like Austin Texas, where there are bunch of cool venues and music stores (probably because US military base is there). We are excited to play this cool place!
Also Tak makes a guest appearance at Ishikawa Yona's show at Necoya, on July 5th Tuesday. Ishikawa Yona is a Yokohama native Christian blues singer. She rocks! Watch Tak plays some bluesy guitar along with her. (Hopefully we can post some videos later...)

We are in the midst of recording work of "Jesus Wind" the concept album, but we are going to play some gigs next month!
(Also I just noticed that we haven't post our gig information very often on this blog, that is not a good thing. So I do it today!)
7月10日(日) 横浜関内ベイジャングル
7月30日(土) 福生チキンシャック
電車で行けるアメリカ、日本のオースティンこと福生、そして伝説的なライブハウスチキンシャック。Imari Tonesとして初上陸です。一応僕らはこう見えても国際的に活躍してるバンド(のはず)なので、場所に合わせてアメリカナイズドされた世界基準のロックをぶつけます(予定)!!
7月5日(火) 横浜寿町 音小屋(ねこや)
July 10th Sun at Bay Jungle (Yokohama)
Imari Tones plays an opening slot (sort of) for EIMS, a teenage girls Christian rock band. It's our honor to support this new younger generation of Jesus Rockers! This is going to be epic!
July 30th Sat at Chicken Shack (Fussa, Tokyo)
Imari Tones plays this legendary Fussa venue for the first time. Fussa is a town that looks a bit like Austin Texas, where there are bunch of cool venues and music stores (probably because US military base is there). We are excited to play this cool place!
Also Tak makes a guest appearance at Ishikawa Yona's show at Necoya, on July 5th Tuesday. Ishikawa Yona is a Yokohama native Christian blues singer. She rocks! Watch Tak plays some bluesy guitar along with her. (Hopefully we can post some videos later...)
Thursday, March 10, 2016
We remixed 2 albums!
Hello from Imari Tones!
We would like inform you that 2 of our albums "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース) and "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア) are now "Re-Built", "Re-Mixed" and available on BandCamp and iTunes. They soon will be available on Spotify, Apple Music and other digital outlets.
"Heterogeneous Species" on iTunes
"Reluctant Savior" on iTunes
Here is the story behind the works.
It's already a long time ago, but in the year 2005 Tak recorded so much music, so many songs. When we see the history of this band, after finished making "Hero of the Light" (光のヒーロー) album in early 2005, our band basically "broke up". Our then-drummer quit the band and we were not able to play shows. We had to wait until 2006 to start again as a band and (somehow) fly to Germany to record an album with a famous producer. (That is the album called "Japanese Pop", still one of the most popular albums of ours.)
That was why Tak (me) focused on recording. That was because, I had so much idea back then. I thought it was a good opportunity and timing to record all those songs and try all the things in the studio.
To my surprise today, me back in 2005 was very productive and hard working. As a result, I recorded 4 albums, almost by myself (with some help from friends), playing all the instruments including drums.
One should note that many of those songs we (I mean, mostly me) recorded for these 4 albums were the songs I had written in my teenage days. They are, even though technically not perfect, fresh and straightforward with so much energy.
So these 4 albums are very important to me, as a musician, both music wise and message wise. The titles of the albums I recorded mostly by myself in 2005 are: "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース), "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア), "Color of Hers", and "fireworks".
Although I have been basically happy with the result of this rapid recording work, over the time I have begun to think there was a possibility to make them better, especially for 2 of them "Heterogeneous" and "Savior".
We recorded our latest album "Revive The World" in 2014 and last year (2015) we had no homework to do, other than slow rehearsals for next album (which we are recording RIGHT NOW). So I decided it was a good timing/opportunity to try "ReMix" of these 2 albums. Well, it took 10 years, after all. Did I grow up a bit?
We, again in this case, mostly me, re-recorded some bass tracks and guitar tracks (40% of bass tracks and 20% percent of guitar tracks, I should say), and actually vocal tracks for 2 songs ("Tooi Natsu No Komoriuta" and "Nami" to be exact), and did the re-mix for whole 2 albums.
The result is here, "ReBuilt" version of these 2 albums, now on our BandCamp page and all those digital stores.
The result surpassed my expectation and I should say I'm very happy. Even though they are basically recorded 10 years ago, you can totally say they are "NEW" albums from Imari Tones.
You should notice they the albums we made BEFORE we became a Christian band and all the songs are sung in Japanese language. Also musical style is in more of J-Rock, J-Pop context.
Even though those albums mean so much to us, we are not sure if you are interested in our "J-Pop / J-Rock" works. But we very much hope you will like it. Because we believe they are still unique and awesome music that makes you smile!
So Here's the link to our BandCamp page.
You notice we have made so many albums, right?
This time we have "ReBuilt" 2 of them. So please check them out!
Also, not taking advantage of this opportunity but, let me give you a small (a little) sad news today.
We were planning to visit Nashville TN (USA) in May this year, but we decided we are not doing it. It is a highly strategic decision for The Extreme Tour Japan, as well as for musical reasons such as to focus on recording. It was basically supposed to be a short visit. So we promise when we visit USA next time we will do a "bigger" tour, to see as many people as possible.
Also, here is some videos to share, which we have posted on YouTube recently.
That's all for today.
God bless you all!
Love from Japan
Tak a.k.a. Tone / Imari Tones
We would like inform you that 2 of our albums "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース) and "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア) are now "Re-Built", "Re-Mixed" and available on BandCamp and iTunes. They soon will be available on Spotify, Apple Music and other digital outlets.
"Heterogeneous Species" on iTunes
"Reluctant Savior" on iTunes
Here is the story behind the works.
It's already a long time ago, but in the year 2005 Tak recorded so much music, so many songs. When we see the history of this band, after finished making "Hero of the Light" (光のヒーロー) album in early 2005, our band basically "broke up". Our then-drummer quit the band and we were not able to play shows. We had to wait until 2006 to start again as a band and (somehow) fly to Germany to record an album with a famous producer. (That is the album called "Japanese Pop", still one of the most popular albums of ours.)
That was why Tak (me) focused on recording. That was because, I had so much idea back then. I thought it was a good opportunity and timing to record all those songs and try all the things in the studio.
To my surprise today, me back in 2005 was very productive and hard working. As a result, I recorded 4 albums, almost by myself (with some help from friends), playing all the instruments including drums.
One should note that many of those songs we (I mean, mostly me) recorded for these 4 albums were the songs I had written in my teenage days. They are, even though technically not perfect, fresh and straightforward with so much energy.
So these 4 albums are very important to me, as a musician, both music wise and message wise. The titles of the albums I recorded mostly by myself in 2005 are: "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース), "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア), "Color of Hers", and "fireworks".
Although I have been basically happy with the result of this rapid recording work, over the time I have begun to think there was a possibility to make them better, especially for 2 of them "Heterogeneous" and "Savior".
We recorded our latest album "Revive The World" in 2014 and last year (2015) we had no homework to do, other than slow rehearsals for next album (which we are recording RIGHT NOW). So I decided it was a good timing/opportunity to try "ReMix" of these 2 albums. Well, it took 10 years, after all. Did I grow up a bit?
We, again in this case, mostly me, re-recorded some bass tracks and guitar tracks (40% of bass tracks and 20% percent of guitar tracks, I should say), and actually vocal tracks for 2 songs ("Tooi Natsu No Komoriuta" and "Nami" to be exact), and did the re-mix for whole 2 albums.
The result is here, "ReBuilt" version of these 2 albums, now on our BandCamp page and all those digital stores.
The result surpassed my expectation and I should say I'm very happy. Even though they are basically recorded 10 years ago, you can totally say they are "NEW" albums from Imari Tones.
You should notice they the albums we made BEFORE we became a Christian band and all the songs are sung in Japanese language. Also musical style is in more of J-Rock, J-Pop context.
Even though those albums mean so much to us, we are not sure if you are interested in our "J-Pop / J-Rock" works. But we very much hope you will like it. Because we believe they are still unique and awesome music that makes you smile!
So Here's the link to our BandCamp page.
You notice we have made so many albums, right?
This time we have "ReBuilt" 2 of them. So please check them out!
Also, not taking advantage of this opportunity but, let me give you a small (a little) sad news today.
We were planning to visit Nashville TN (USA) in May this year, but we decided we are not doing it. It is a highly strategic decision for The Extreme Tour Japan, as well as for musical reasons such as to focus on recording. It was basically supposed to be a short visit. So we promise when we visit USA next time we will do a "bigger" tour, to see as many people as possible.
Also, here is some videos to share, which we have posted on YouTube recently.
That's all for today.
God bless you all!
Love from Japan
Tak a.k.a. Tone / Imari Tones
今日は、僕らのアルバムのうち"異能レース"と"無責任なメシア"の2枚について、「リビルド」「リミックス」の作業が完了し、BandCampやiTunesにて入手可能になったことをお伝えします。SpotifyやApple Musicなどにおいても間もなく配信されるはずです。
もう昔のことになりますが、2005年にToneはたくさんの音楽を録音しました。このバンドの歴史を見ると、2005年の初頭に「光のヒーロー」の録音制作を完了した後に、このバンドは基本的に解散状態にありました。当時のドラマーがバンドを離れ、僕たちはライブをすることが出来ませんでした。僕たちがバンドとして再始動し、そしてなぜだかドイツまで飛んで有名なプロデューサーとアルバムを作ることになるまで(それは"Japanese Pop"というアルバムです)、それは2006年まで待たなくてはいけませんでした。
音楽の面でもメッセージの面でも、これらの4枚の作品は私にとってミュージシャンとして重要な意味を持つものであり、誇りに思っています。この4枚のタイトルは「異能レース」(Heterogeneous Species)、「無責任なメシア」(Reluctant Savior)、「Color of Hers」、「fireworks」です。
僕たちは2014年に現時点での最新のアルバム「Revive The World」のレコーディング作業を行いました。ですので昨年2015年には、次のアルバムのためのリハーサルを行うのみで、スケジュール的には余力がありました。(今現在、まさにその「次のアルバム」のレコーディングを行っていますが)
作業の結果は、僕の期待を越えたものになり、結果にとても満足しています。それらは10年前に録音された作品ですが、Imari Tonesのニューアルバムと言っても差し支えないくらいのものになっています。
僕らは5月に、アメリカのテネシー州ナッシュビルを訪問することを計画していました。けれども、僕たちはそこへ行かないことを決断しました。これは、The Extreme Tour Japanについての戦略的な判断であり、また僕らの音楽についての音楽的な判断でもあります。レコーディングや、次の作品への制作に集中したいからです。もともと、これはほんの短い滞在になる予定でした。なので、次にアメリカを訪れるときには、なるべくたくさんの人たちに会いにいけるよう、大きなツアーにすることをお約束します。
TakまたはTone / 伊万里音色
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Happy New Year Update for 2016!!
(A little late greeting but) Happy New Year 2016 from Imari Tones!!
We are still here and making music for God, awesome Christian Heavy Metal from Japan.
(日本語は下にあります。Japanese translation below.)
While we are praying for your happiness, health, success and peace for the world, let me give you some updates about our band.
First, thank you very much for The Extreme Tour Japan (XTJ2015) we did in November 2015. It was surely one of the greatest things we did in a few years and was a very blessing moment. Thank you very much for all the people helped us during the tour, all the support and everything.
We have bunch of movies from the tour. We are still working on it but we are hoping to post them on YouTube. We did some awesome performance and I hope you will like it.
Second, we will soon start working on the recording of our new album, which is called "Jesus Wind" at this point.
This is a very important album for us. For a long time, we have been saying we want to make an album based on Japanese history. Finally we will record it. It is a concept album based on Japanese history from a Christian view point.
This album will be our "most intense" heavy metal album and it will include those songs we are already playing live this couple of years such as "Jee-You" and "Dying Prophet" as well as our newest song "Repent" which is arguably the most powerful song of ours. (Even more powerful than "Faith Rider"!)
We don't know how long it will take for us to record the album, but we certainly will need you support upon release, to make it a successful record. So please stay tuned!
Third, we are going to release some "Japanese" songs and albums.
They are not exactly "brand new" stuff.
Actually, throughout last year, we've been working on "ReBuilding Project" of our older albums.
From our "J-Pop" album catalogue we recorded before we became a Christian rock band, we picked "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース) and "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア) and did the remix, while re-record some of the bass and guitar tracks.
Those 2 albums, originally recorded in 2005 (yes, long time ago) and sung in Japanese language, now "Re-Mixed", "Re-Built" and "Re-Calibrated" and sounding much better.
During the process, we had a fresh new perspective for those older songs of ours and now they are just like new songs to us.
We soon will release them on places like iTunes, Spotify, BandCamp and YouTube accordingly.
As you know, we have been playing "Christian Rock" for international market for years now and quite frankly we are not sure how you will respond to these "Japanese" songs, or not even sure if you are interested.
But nonetheless, we can't wait to share these music with you. With our Japanese and international friends all over the world!!
Four and finally,
We have a plan to visit USA this year.
It is not a long tour like we did in the past.
We are basically going to visit Nashville TN, to attend some Christian music conference in May. (Maybe mid or later of May 2016)
While it is not a solid plan at this point, we are hoping to book some gigs around that region. I mean, in/around Tennessee... as long as we can drive and visit.
Tell us your suggestion or any advice, if you know some place we can play! (^^)
That's about it.
So much going on and we have so many things coming.
It is a difficult time for musicians, difficult time for everyone.
But we hope God will guide us to the right path, no matter how hard it may look.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you Jesus.
In Christ,
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / Imari Tones
(少し遅めのご挨拶ですが) 伊万里音色より、ハッピーニューイヤー2016を申し上げます。
ふたつめに、僕らはもうすぐ新しいアルバムのレコーディングに取り掛かります。現時点でそのアルバムは"Jesus Wind"と呼ばれています。
このアルバムは、僕たちにとって今までで一番ヘヴィメタル色の強いアルバムになるでしょう。そして、ここ1、2年ライヴで演奏していた"Jee-You"や"Dying Prophet"などの楽曲が含まれます。僕たちのセットリストに最近追加されたいちばん新しい曲である"Repent"も含まれます。この"Repent"は、おそらく今までの僕たちの曲の中で、もっともパワフルな曲です。("Faith Rider"よりもパワフルかもしれません。)
僕たちがクリスチャンバンドになる前に制作した"J-Pop"のアルバムの中から、「異能レース」(Heterogeneous Species)と「無責任なメシア」(Reluctant Savior)の2枚を取り上げ、それらの再ミックスと、いくつかのベースとギターの再録音を行いました。
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / Imari Tones
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