(A little late greeting but) Happy New Year 2016 from Imari Tones!!
We are still here and making music for God, awesome Christian Heavy Metal from Japan.
(日本語は下にあります。Japanese translation below.)
While we are praying for your happiness, health, success and peace for the world, let me give you some updates about our band.
First, thank you very much for The Extreme Tour Japan (XTJ2015) we did in November 2015. It was surely one of the greatest things we did in a few years and was a very blessing moment. Thank you very much for all the people helped us during the tour, all the support and everything.
We have bunch of movies from the tour. We are still working on it but we are hoping to post them on YouTube. We did some awesome performance and I hope you will like it.
Second, we will soon start working on the recording of our new album, which is called "Jesus Wind" at this point.
This is a very important album for us. For a long time, we have been saying we want to make an album based on Japanese history. Finally we will record it. It is a concept album based on Japanese history from a Christian view point.
This album will be our "most intense" heavy metal album and it will include those songs we are already playing live this couple of years such as "Jee-You" and "Dying Prophet" as well as our newest song "Repent" which is arguably the most powerful song of ours. (Even more powerful than "Faith Rider"!)
We don't know how long it will take for us to record the album, but we certainly will need you support upon release, to make it a successful record. So please stay tuned!
Third, we are going to release some "Japanese" songs and albums.
They are not exactly "brand new" stuff.
Actually, throughout last year, we've been working on "ReBuilding Project" of our older albums.
From our "J-Pop" album catalogue we recorded before we became a Christian rock band, we picked "Heterogeneous Species" (異能レース) and "Reluctant Savior" (無責任なメシア) and did the remix, while re-record some of the bass and guitar tracks.
Those 2 albums, originally recorded in 2005 (yes, long time ago) and sung in Japanese language, now "Re-Mixed", "Re-Built" and "Re-Calibrated" and sounding much better.
During the process, we had a fresh new perspective for those older songs of ours and now they are just like new songs to us.
We soon will release them on places like iTunes, Spotify, BandCamp and YouTube accordingly.
As you know, we have been playing "Christian Rock" for international market for years now and quite frankly we are not sure how you will respond to these "Japanese" songs, or not even sure if you are interested.
But nonetheless, we can't wait to share these music with you. With our Japanese and international friends all over the world!!
Four and finally,
We have a plan to visit USA this year.
It is not a long tour like we did in the past.
We are basically going to visit Nashville TN, to attend some Christian music conference in May. (Maybe mid or later of May 2016)
While it is not a solid plan at this point, we are hoping to book some gigs around that region. I mean, in/around Tennessee... as long as we can drive and visit.
Tell us your suggestion or any advice, if you know some place we can play! (^^)
That's about it.
So much going on and we have so many things coming.
It is a difficult time for musicians, difficult time for everyone.
But we hope God will guide us to the right path, no matter how hard it may look.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for everything.
Thank you Jesus.
In Christ,
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / Imari Tones
(少し遅めのご挨拶ですが) 伊万里音色より、ハッピーニューイヤー2016を申し上げます。
ふたつめに、僕らはもうすぐ新しいアルバムのレコーディングに取り掛かります。現時点でそのアルバムは"Jesus Wind"と呼ばれています。
このアルバムは、僕たちにとって今までで一番ヘヴィメタル色の強いアルバムになるでしょう。そして、ここ1、2年ライヴで演奏していた"Jee-You"や"Dying Prophet"などの楽曲が含まれます。僕たちのセットリストに最近追加されたいちばん新しい曲である"Repent"も含まれます。この"Repent"は、おそらく今までの僕たちの曲の中で、もっともパワフルな曲です。("Faith Rider"よりもパワフルかもしれません。)
僕たちがクリスチャンバンドになる前に制作した"J-Pop"のアルバムの中から、「異能レース」(Heterogeneous Species)と「無責任なメシア」(Reluctant Savior)の2枚を取り上げ、それらの再ミックスと、いくつかのベースとギターの再録音を行いました。
Tak "Tone" Nakamine / Imari Tones
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