Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer time and BandCamp!

Hello, this is Tak from Imari Tones.

It's summer time!
It's very hot here in Japan.

Because of the electricity shortage caused by the nuclear accident, all the Japanese people now trying not to use air-conditioner. It's officially hottest summer ever! But it's surprising how people trying to do away with Nuclear Power Plants. Yes something is about to change here in Japan! We really hope Christian situation in Japan also will change.

Today I want to give you 2 little annoucements.

1. Now all our songs & albums available on BandCamp

Have you ever checked "BandCamp"?
It's a very cool independent music website.
Many artists around the world now selling their music through BandCamp.
We love BandCamp too, and now all of our music catalog is available on BandCamp.

If you checked our history page earlier, you must have noticed we have so many songs & albums in our band history. Now all of them are available on BandCamp.

We love BandCamp, not only it sounds good, but also you can hear all the songs FOR FREE!!

It's our pleasure if you check our songs there.
(And it's great if you "like" or "tweet" our albums on facebook/twitter.)

Here you are!

2. A-Band Game

One nice little annoucement.
Our song will be included in a video game called A-Band by Flammable-Games.
I heard it is a music game like Guitar Hero.
I don't know if this is a big game by a big company, or a small project by up and coming artists like us, but we are totally glad and very proud to be included.

So check it out!
We will keep you posted about this.

That's all for today!
We are playing monthly gigs in Japan this summer.
And let me tell you, miracles are happening in every gig!
We are giving out bibles and some people got to know Jesus through those events.
It's a great blessing to see God is working through our music.
We are very glad to work for God here in Japan!

Also we are working on a song for some internet video program.
We will let you know when it's done!

Riots in UK, ecomony in USA, and politics in Japan, now things are very tough all around the world.
But let's believe in God's guidance. He will make everything good! We can make a better world!

Thank you very much and God bless!

Tak "Tone" Nakamine
Imari Tones
"The First Christian Heavy Metal from Japan"

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